

August 8, 2016

Philippians 1:3-6

The book of Philippians is a letter that Paul wrote while he was in Prison awaiting freedom or execution. In Chapter one we see several things about Paul’s attitude and outlook while in Prison, but about him as a believing in Christ. Here in theseverses we see Paul as a THANKFUL believer, verse 3, a PRAYING believer, verse 4, a PARTNERING believer, verse 5 and a CONFIDENT believer in verse 6 believer in Christ

Being imprisoned would cause most of us to become angry, bitter, discouraged andat the point of giving up. Not Paul. He saw it as an opportunity to the share the “good news”  of Jesus Christ. This is why he was able to say later in chapter and verse 18, “And because of this I rejoice.” Paul was able to give thanks and praise for being in prison because he looked at it as an opportunity, a too, a place to serve Christ. These two little words, “of this” reveal Paul’s confidence Christ and His plan for his life.

How do others see you as a believer? What is the “in this” that you are facing and going through? Whatever it is, are you thankful? Are you praying about it and through it? Are you confident that because “of this” God is in control and that he know what He is doing? Think about this and take a moment to be thankful, to pray about it, to partner with God in what He wants to do and to be confident that He’s got this and is with you. The result will be the DAILY HOPE that you need throughout this week!


August 1, 2016

1 Thessalonians 5:16

In the beautiful blue ridge mountains of North Carolina, motorcycle enthusiast of all kinds come to ride what is known as the DRAGON Run. The Dragon is eleven miles of highway with twists, turns, and curves that require major concentration. When a rider makes it through these eleven miles and has conquered this challenge, there is excitement and a feeling of rejoicing for every biker who can say, “I rode the Dragon!”

In 1 Thessalonians 5, Paul concludes his letter to the people of the church with some instruction, some key things to do in their daily lives. In verse 16, he states, “Rejoice always”. Paul is saying be joyful. This is not always easy as we sometimes face miles of people, problems and pressures that can lead us to complaining, being critical and feeling crushed. If we are not careful we can be robbed of our joy. When this happens our focus needs to be on God and what He has done and is doing in our lives. The result will be a PEACE that will lead to REJOICING.

Are you facing some problems today? Are there some issues with a person or some people that you have to deal with? Is there something you are facing or going through that is causing your life to be under pressure at this time? Give this all to the Lord. Let Him take them and help you through all of this. Giving it to Him can bring you joy again and the DAILY HOPE you need!

Father, I want to “rejoice” and be joyful again. Forgive me for looking at my problems, the people and the pressures instead of you. Today, in this moment I look to you and all of this over to you and desire to rejoice again in you. 


July 25, 2016

Exodus 14:13-14


Moses and the children of Israel were experiencing some tough times. While out in the middle of the wilderness, the people were getting hungry, thirsty, tired, mad, discouraged and close to giving up. On top of all that, they had the Egyptian Army coming after them. Moses, seeing this, turned to God and called on Him for help. In Exodus 14, verses 13 and 14, we see Moses addressing the people with great confidence in what he believed God would and could do…

Do not be afraid, stand firm and you will see the deliverance the LORD will bring to you today. The Egyptians you see today, you will never see again. The LORD will fight for you…”

Whatever you are facing today, don’t give in or give up. Remember that God loves you. He will STAND with you, PROVIDE for you and will FIGHT for you. Take on the outlook that Moses had to “stand firm” and see the deliverance the LORD will bring!

What are you facing in your life today that you need the Lord to stand with you. If it is one thing or several things that you are facing, make a list and remember that He loves you and will stand with you. The very things you are facing and battling through are His battles too. That this battle is the LORD’S!

WOW that is confidence that is some DAILY HOPE for today! 



July 19, 2016

“The LORD is good , a stronghold in the day of trouble, and HE

knows those that take refuge in Him”

 Nahum 1:7


Tucked in the last part of the Old Testament is the small book of Nahum who was a prophet, one who proclaimed God’s message to the people of his time.

Nahum was used by God to bring comfort and consolation to the people of Judah and to all who were fearful of what the Assyrians were doing to them and the city of Nineveh.

In the above verse we see Nahum reveals two things that developed his FAITH in and FOLLOWING God.

1.  He knew who God WAS. Notice what he said, “The LORD is good ......” And He is good. Good in His love, grace, mercy, forgiveness, caring, protecting, directing, and in all that he does for us.

2.  He trusted in what God could DO. In that same verse he says that God is, “.... a stronghold in the day of trouble ....” His “stronghold” of protecting us, being by our side and taking us by the hand and pulling us up out of very the trouble we are in.

When you know and daily remind yourself of WHO God is and TRUST what you KNOW He can do, your personal FAITH in God will grow and you will find yourself walking daily in His strength and power.

What is God using in your life to reveal more of WHO He is to you? What is He allowing you to face, go through that will POSITION you to trust what He can do?

Remember, in all that we FACE and will go through, we need to have FAITH and that our Father is our, “.... refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble ....” Psalm 46:1.

Now that’s some DAILY HOPE 



July 12, 2016

Is anything to hard for the LORD?”

Genesis 18:14


In this passage you have one question with a one word answer. The question is, “Is there anything to hard for the LORD?” The obvious answer is NO! Here in Genesis chapter 18 we have a great promise being given to Abraham that God will in one year, allow Sarah to have a child ... a son. Even at Sarah’s age God is going to allow Sarah to get pregnant. To this couple , just when they thought something was impossible, and laughed it off, God speaks and shows who He is and what He can do. He is Jehovah- Jireh, the God who can do the impossible and provide.

What is it that seems “too hard” in your life today? What is it in your life today that you think is impossible? That can’t change. Could it be an attitude, a relationship, a habit, your marriage, a situation at work? Write it down, pray it through and allow God to turn the impossible into a done deal!

As you write it down and begin praying about it, position yourself in trusting and believing God who finds nothing “too hard” to do for you. Keep seeking Him and don’t miss what He can do and wants to do in your life. Being praying this prayer below ....

Father today I give you those things that are too hard for me and that I feel like areimpossibilities. I know that all things are possible with you according to Luke 1 and verse 37, and I ask you to make the impossible, possible in my life because nothing is impossible with you, Father!

There is DAILY HOPE in praying, trusting and believing!



July 7, 2016

There was a man who was facing some serous medical issues. recently he went tothe doctor for a follow up visit and the doctor shared with him that everything looked normal. The man respondedwith, “Praise the Lord, it’s because of prayer” The doctor then commented by saying, “That’s the answer!”

Prayer truly is the answer. It is the very thing that we need to do and make a part of our daily lives. For everything we face, have need , and desire in our lives will come through prayer and praying.

         If you pray believing, you will receive whatever you ask for in prayer

What a great promise we have from God here in Matthew 21:22 .That if we PRAY believing, evidenced by our faith in Him, within His TIME, PLAN and WILL for our lives we will receive the answer. In praying we must remember that,  anything and everything is POSSIBLE when God is called into the situation. Prayer is calling and inviting God do what only God can do. Ask yourself these questions .....

What do you need to pray for today? Are you calling and inviting God into your situation through prayer? As you prayer are you really believing that God can do what He promises to do? Prayer says’ “I’m going to make a move towards God and what I know He can do”, “... to those that seek Him ... Hebrews 11:6

Seek God, pray believing .... the answer will come! Now that’s some Daily Hope for this week. 



June 29, 2016

The story of the Prodigal Son in Luke 15:18 gives us some DAILY HOPE for the week.

                                        “I will arise and go to my father ....”


Do you remember this story? This son was a member of a family who had a father thatloved him and provided well for him but this son left all of that and wanted to do his “own thing” and live his life the way that he wanted. By doing so he found out that the decision he made and the journey he choose was not the best and he found himself broke, empty and hungry. So hungry that he was willing to work on a farm and eat what the pigs were eating. As he was about to do this one day, it came to him that what he left and what he had back home and said, “I will arise and go to my Father...”, and he did.

Made some mistakes in your life? We all have. Facing some problems? We all have them. Trying to untangles some knots you’ve made? Letting a past failure keep you down? Are you on a journey seeking someone or something you don’t need or is not right for your life? If so, arise and go to your Father, your heavenly Father who loves you, will forgive you and has the best for you. RISE up, STEP out, LOOK to and TRUST in your Father in Heaven. It is here that you will fine love, joy, peace, help, encouragement, fulfillment and all that you have need of. It is in the Father that we can have all the DAILY HOPE we need.  



June 21, 2016

"This is the day the LORD has made; Let us rejoice and be glad in it"

Psalm 118:24


I love this verse and thank God for each day that he gives to me. I am sure that you feel the same way and throughout the day find yourself, as I do, rejoicing or giving thanks for all that He is doing in your life throughout the day.

Wile w often focus on the, "..let us rejoice and be glad..." of the day I want to draw your attention to the words, "This is the day..." and giving thanks for "this" day which he has made and has given to you. 

You see this is the day for new opportunities, new things to pray for, to seek and trust the Lord for. This is the day given to you to look and see where God is working. This is the day, your day to see prayer answered in your life and in the lives of others. This is the day God is going to use you to share Christ and to see someone's life changed for Eternity. This is the day that He is going to give you confidence, assurance and peace that you need in facing the decision that is before you. This is the day and could be the day that God is going to do something so BIG in your life, that it will be so obvious that HE did it. This truly is the day the LORD has made for you. Focus on that, give praise for that and find your DAILY HOPE in that! 

To God be the GLORY!  


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June 16, 2016

A few years ago when I had my motorcycle, I enjoyed taking some short trips on the weekends, especially riding on country and back roads in Central Florida. It was fun and enjoyable, but can also be stressful as those who ride have to be alert to other drivers, vehicles, the road conditions, obstacles and animals. I learned when I rode to always stay focused, to stay visible and upright.


In Hebrews Chapter 13 and verses 1-6 we learn that as believers in Christ there are certain things that need to stay focused on, that we should not neglect to do in our daily living. The words, “Keep on…” are used by the writer to get our attention that there are some things that we need to do. The writer is encouraging us to show daily…


Love towards one another, verse 1

Hospitality, verse 2

Kindness, verse 3

Actions that are genuine, verse 4

A display of contentment in our lives, verse 5


Practicing these qualities in your life will show a real Jesus to others in your family, neighborhood, friends, and those with whom we work with.


With the promise in verse 6 of God always being with us, think of ways that you can show love, hospitality, kindness, actions that are genuine and sincere and a life that reveals contentment, peace and the daily hope that you have in Christ.


You just never know how God may use YOU to make a difference in someone’s life today!

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MAY 24,2016

“The Lord has done great things for us and we are filled with joy”

Psalm 126:3



Here in this verse the anonymous writer reminds us that we have a God who does

great things and that there is great rejoicing when we remember them.


What are some of the “great things” that the Lord has done for you?


He is the one who has saved you and given to you eternal life

He is the one who forgives you

He is the one who hears and answers your prayers

He is the one who is all-knowing

He is the one who provides for you

He is the one who protects you

he is the one who bears your burdens

He is the one that gives you peace

He is the one who is in control of all things

He is the one that will give you strength to face your problems, struggles

and difficulties

He is the one who encourages you

He is the one who loves you unconditionally


Obviously the list of “great things” could go on and on. The Lord is personally

interested in you and has done “great” things for you. Now, that’shope for today!



May 19,2016

Now to HIM who is able to do far more abundantly beyond all that we

as or think according to the power that works within us.”

Ephesians 3:20

Paul is writing to the church in Ephesus and encouraging the believers to seek

God, to look to God and to trust God for all things. In this one verse he is reminding

them that God is able, in fact more than able to provide what they are in need of.

Through this one verse we are reminded ourselves that no matter what we have need

of, no matter what we are facing or struggling with, that God is able to work in us and for

us. Tot meet that need and to help us with whatever we are facing. Paul is saying that as

we TURN to God and TRUST Him completely we position ourselves for Him to do way more

than we ever thought could be done.

Take time to read this verse today a few times and as you do remember that your Father

in Heaven is with you, that He is for you and that He wants to exceed your expectations

in doing beyond what you ask or think in your life. Now that’s some DAILY HOPE!
